Water Efficiency Visit

Today, year 4 were very lucky to have a visit from Anglian Water on water efficiency. We learned lots about water, the different ways we use it and how we can use water wisely. We found out lots about Anglian Water and how they make sure that we all have enough clean water to drink. The water we drink is collected in a reservoir and the process to make the water clean and safe for us to use and drink takes 48 hours.

We found out that the region we live in is the driest part of the UK meaning it is very important that we use our water carefully and don’t waste any! As a class we thought about the different ways we could save water. One little thing that makes a big difference is making sure we turn taps off when we don’t need them running, for example when we are brushing our teeth. We ran on the spot for two minutes to see how long a tap can be running for while we brush our teeth. It felt like we were running for a very long time! The amount of water that runs from a tap in those two minutes is enough to fill two big buckets!

At at the end of the session all of the children received a book mark. On these, the children wrote down a pledge explaining what they were going to do to help make sure they use water efficiently.


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