Outstanding KS1 Christmas Performance
What a wonderful afternoon we had with the amazing Christmas performances from the KS1 children. First, Reception recited the story of The Gingerbread Man, sang a gingerbread song and a beautiful song about a Christmas tree. Who can believe that these confident and self assured children only started school in September?
Next, Year 2 delivered their performance about The Victorians and how the traditions they introduced are still being enjoyed by families around the world. These include sending Christmas cards, decorating trees and enjoying crackers. The children projected their lines clearly to the audience and sang their songs with enthusiasm and joy. We were also lucky to listen to the KS1 choir within this performance sing one of their favourite songs.
Finally, the wonderful Year 1 children arrived to tell us the story of the Nativity. There were candles, shepherds, kings, angels and, of course, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. The children sang traditional songs with a calypso twist and the audience were enthralled. At the end of the afternoon there were cheers and applause and a wonderful festive feel as families and friends shared their enjoyment,
The children were thrilled with their individual and group performances and are looking forward to their final performances tomorrow. Huge congratulations to all and many thanks to the dedicated staff who have ensured there are such memorable performances today and tomorrow.