Year 1: Paddington: Forest School Fun!
Yesterday, Paddington Class braved the ‘June heatwave’ wrapped up in our waterproofs, whilst praying our wellies didn’t have holes in. We had a fantastic time exploring the forest and even managed to miss the rain showers.
To embrace the weather, we began by looking for tracks the rain had made in the soil and watched where the water had gone. We then found different puddles and used sticks to channel the flow of water to different places. We had to think about the pressure we put on the sticks to how deep it went into the ground when moving the water.
The children began a competition to see who could collect the most natural water. The children ran around the forest shaking leaves, finding puddles and scooping up water and collecting it from pots. I was very impressed with the teamwork skills the children showed and the girls collected half a tub bucket full of water!
To end the forest school session (and clean our wellies) the children had time to splash in the puddles. We learnt the higher you jump the bigger the splash! (Very sorry for the soggy socks!)
Lets hope for some sunnier weather soon!
Miss Leatherland 🙂