Year 2 – Numbots and TTRS

On Friday for Key Skills, you were given a letter about logging into Times Table Rock Stars and Numbots. These are both fantastic resources that we can use to practise our number bonds, number facts and times table facts.  Click the link below to find the website you need. Numbots is part of TTRS so you should be able to access both on the web page. When you reach the homepage, click login – school pupils. 

If you have an iPhone/iPad or tablet, you can download the apps that will enable you to use these websites. They can also be used through the internet/safari. Please try logging in this week and let me know if you have any problems so that we can get them sorted. Not many children have logged in yet and we would love to see everyone accessing both Numbots and TTRS regularly. I have copied the images from the app store from my phone so you can see what to look for.

Both apps are in the style of games. On Numbots, you collect cogs and work towards building a robot, working through a story or starting with some challenges. On TTRS, you become a rock character and can collect coins to ‘spend’ in the shop. I have set 2x, 5x and 10x times tables for the next few weeks. There are both multiplication and division facts on there and you will need to work at these to increase your score.

It would be great to see everyone logging on and having a go, but please do let me know if you have any problems accessing it.

Many thanks and enjoy!

Miss Gedney

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