Year 5 – Sports Day Tab in Class Notebook

Hello Year 5!


You will see a new tab in your notebooks named Sports. You will find information and a score card. Please add any scores to the activity you complete each day and for extra points you can upload photos to your page too.

SDS Virtual Sports Day will take place during the week of June 29th– July 3rd.

Here are the Sports Day events. You can participate in as many of the events as you would like to; you could do 1 event, or you may choose to do all 10. You can decide which day to complete the events on within the week. If you can wear clothing in your house colour whilst taking part that would be great.



  1. Egg and Spoon
  2. Speed Bounce in 1 minute
  3. Standing Long Jump
  4. Bat and Ball Bounce
  5. Star Jumps in 1 minute
  6. Bucket Ball
  7. Sprint Shuttle Run
  8. Keepie- Uppies with a Football
  9. Seated Ball Throw
  10. Obstacle Course


For every activity that you complete, you will be awarded 2 points for your house. It would be lovely if you could take photographs of yourself taking part.  Please make sure you let your teacher know if we can use your photos in the class blogs so that we can celebrate this event.

There will be certificates for participation – the more activities you send in the more points you will receive for your house. Results from each class will be shared via the Sports Blog. House totals will also be shared. So let’s get active and grab those points for your house!


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