Year 4 – Picnic Fun!

Good afternoon Year 4! I hope you all enjoyed the picnic this morning as much as we did! It was lovely to see so many of you back at school and having a great time in our socially – distanced bubbles. It was also lovely to be able to chat to you all about what else you have been up to at home and to hear about your summer holiday plans. We also hope you enjoyed the dancing, singing and games too. I think all the adults had smiles on their faces for the whole time because it was so nice to see you!

Don’t forget, there are still 2 more weeks of school left and we have planned some really fun and interesting home learning lessons for you to do in these last two weeks so keep up the hard work till the end – we continue to be so proud of all your effort.

Also, in all of the excitement of the picnic this morning, Miss Harris and I forgot to give you all your end of year presents, whoops!! Your parents should receive a parent mail with information on how you can collect this.

Here are some photos from the morning:

Enjoy the rest of your day!
Miss Vokes

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