Year 5 – Key Skills 18.9.2020

This week, our key skills have been set on Teams in Office 365. Log in to your Office 365 account, then click on the ‘Teams’ icon. You will have the option to select your class (Dyson or Einstein). Then you will be taken to your class ‘Team’ area. After that, you should see a message about the Key Skills for 18.9.2020. Click on this and it will take you to your Key skills task to complete online. Here is the task just in case!

Key Skills – Friday 18th September

Due in: Wednesday 23rd September

Dojos will be awarded for completed Key Skills.

  1. Read at least 3 times this week and record it in your diary.
  2. Practice your times tables using ‘Hit the Button’, or ‘Times Table Rock Stars’. Try to visit the Garage at least 10 times.
  3. Practice your spellings from the list below. We expect you to learn all of the spellings from the All column. If you would like to challenge yourself, try learning the spellings from the Most column in addition.


All Most











English Task:

We have been learning about how to write sentences with three pieces of action.

E.g. Sam grabbed the package, ducked out into the corridor and headed for the back of the train.

Please write 4 sentences with three pieces of action in each one.


Maths Task: 

Select Task A OR , for more of a challenge, Task B.


Task A:

This week we have been comparing and ordering number to 1, 000, 000 using your place value knowledge can you order each set of numbers below in ascending order. Remember to look closely at the value of each digit.

Once you have ordered them you can then begin to compare them, write 5 statements about the numbers using more than > and less than < to compare them.

e.g 35, 435 > 34,534



Task B:

Work out the errors in each of these sequences: Write the error you spot underneath each sequence. Then correct it.



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