Year 2 – Ennis Class

A huge round of applause for Ennis Class, what a fantastic first week back at school! You have all worked so hard.

This week the children were introduced to a new Talk4Writing unit In english. On Thursday Ennis class became detectives and we explored different basket items. These items were clues for our new story and the children thoroughly enjoyed figuring out the clues and making their predictions. It was very difficult not to eat our clues, the slice of pizza looked very yummy.

In maths, we have been focusing on odd and even numbers. We have been chanting our numbers every day and working hard to remember the difference between an odd and even number. The children have used concrete resources such as numicon and straws to help them represent their teen numbers. It was so fun!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend in the sunshine and I look forward to our year ahead.

Miss Fantozzi

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