Wiggins Class

What a great week! We have been learning about measurement in our maths lessons and exploring capacity, length and height. The children have enjoyed filling and emptying containers and trying to find things the same length as different pieces of string.

PE has focused on the safe use of the apparatus along with running and obstacle races on the track on the field. It was so nice to spend more time outside this week for our PE lessons.

Today, we had another trip out in the minibus looking at our local area and the geographical features we could see.

The children created a huge bubble monster in the courtyard at lunchtime today! Lots of fun with soap, bottles and paints!

Within our English lessons, we have been learning about using adjectives to describe. Our story is Jack and the Beanstalk and the children added descriptions about the giant and the castle where he lived. We learned the names for some of the parts of a castle too, for example portcullis, drawbridge, turrets and battlements.

Wiggins Class have also been working hard in the school garden and it is being transformed into a lovely learning space by them. We even spotted a few frogs in the pond. We have planted beans which we have to look after by watering regularly, tomato plants and nasturtiums.


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