Growing Plants and Making Shoes in Paddington Class

Most of our sunflowers have grown quite tall now, so today the children took their plants home ready to be planted outside or in bigger post of soil. I would love to see photos of your sunflowers as they grow at home over the next few months (if the children’s sunflower did not grow I have added more seeds to the pot in the hope that we can get another growing for them).  The winning tallest sunflower was 31cm tall and the winning plant with the most leaves has 8 leaves so far.  As well as sunflowers we have planted carrot, pumpkin and basil seeds.  The pumpkin and carrots will be planted into the school allotment at the end of the week as they are growing well too and the children tried the basil at snack time this week with mixed reactions – some cam back for more where as others needed a drink to get rid of the taste!

We have also been busy making sculptures of shoes using recycling.  With adult support, the children have been really creative and love how different they all are already and we have not finished yet, next week we will think about adding decorations to them too.  We have some high heeled shoes, sliders, trainers, school shoes, football boots and even a wellington boot!  The children worked carefully using scissors, tape and a hole punch, with some also threading string and ribbon to make laces.  Everyone worked really hard on their designs, are proud of the results and enjoyed trying them on.

Well done Paddington Class

Mrs Egan

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