Einstein class so far…
Since the start of September we have been so busy with lots of learning! So far we have:
- Enjoyed studying the Butterfly Lion and learning how to expand our vocabulary knowledge, skim and scan a text and understand how an author uses language to tell us a story.
- Become amazing Word Wizards – Einstein class was joint top in week one – let’s keep finding out new words please!
- Learnt about the Mayans; including how they were discovered, what their daily life was like, how they considered blood-letting essential for pleasing the gods and how you wouldn’t want to ever lose a game of Pok-a-Tok!
- Developed our knowledge of place value including looking at big numbers up to a million and decimals.
- Found out how descriptive we can make our sentences, stories and diary entries by using relative clauses, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases
- Also found time to swim, learn French, work on our kinetic letters, study spellings, practice our times tables and discover how we can help make our school a better place to learn and have fun!
We have also taken the opportunity to look at blogging and what makes a good blog. So, I shall now hand over to the fantastic children in Einstein class who will tell you, in their own words, what they have enjoyed most and learnt so far in Year 5.
Ms James