Dahl: A wet week!
The children in Dahl have coped really well with being inside a lot due to the wet weather this week and have enjoyed busy lunchtimes making models from Lego, playing Times Tables Rock Stars, finding word wizard words and making powerpoints on our devices.
We are now two weeks into the term and the children have been really enjoying their French lessons! We have learned how to say hello and goodbye, a rhyme about the fingers on our hands and also some classroom ‘commands’ such as listen, look, sit down, stand-up and cross your arms. See if your children can remember how to say these phrases! Children have been keen to share what they already knew too and extra work they’ve done at home; two of the girls sang the rainbow song and one child has found out how to spell and write numbers to 20 in words and also how to say them, which he wrote down phonetically! It’s great to see how enthusiastic they are to learn – well done.
Well done too to the children who have begun to learn the facts from their knowledge organisers about Ancient Egypt. We will be quizzing the children about key facts, dates and words from their knowledge organisers during our weekly History lessons, so please help your child at home if they need a bit of encouragement to look at it. Many thanks. Have a lovely weekend!