Good Morning Lennon-McCartney!
Hello Year 4! I hope you had a great day yesterday – there were lots of children completing their activities and I can see your Office 365 skills developing. Many of you were able to email me and add comments onto your One Note pages and it feels like we are having conversations with each other.
I have started my morning with the Joe Wicks workout – if you haven’t been able to do much exercise, why not try and start your day with this – he is doing live workouts at 9am every school day on his YouTube channel (The Body Coach TV).
Also, I have challenged the whole class to a Rockslam on TTRS so please challenge me back! The TTRS website is having some problems with so many people logging in, so if you have any problems, just try again later.
Please enjoy your home learning activities for today and remember to email me if you need any help!
Miss Vokes