Lennon-McCartney – Happy Thursday!
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a good week so far – I feel like it has gone quite quickly! You have another day of exciting home learning activities today and I can’t wait to see what you do. I am so impressed and proud seeing how many of you are completing activities each day. I have also really enjoyed hearing about the mini-beast hunts you have been on in the sunshine! I went for a run yesterday so I didn’t spot many small animals but I did see and hear lots of different birds in the trees and the sky.
I found this website today that is from a Science museum called Techniquest. https://www.techniquest.org/daily-demos/
They have a page of really exciting Science experiments – some of them are amazing and exciting experiments that they do in their museum but others are ones that you can try and do at home! Let me know if you manage to have a go at any and send me some pictures if you can!
Have another great day!
Miss Vokes