Lennon-McCartney – New Week!
Good morning everyone and welcome to another week of home learning. I am still so proud of everyone’s determination, effort and positive attitude towards their work so keep it up! I have lots of things to share with your this morning so I have decided to make a list:
- There is a new Class Reader video on the OneNote ready for you to watch – remember to follow them in order and catch up on any that you have missed before you watch the new one!
- Your Topic work this week includes designing a Super Bear for the John Lewis competition. The winning design will be turned into a cuddly toy and sold in Waitrose and John Lewis shops from October! Imagine what it would feel like to see your design in the shops! There is lots more information on your Topic page on One Note but here is the link explaining more from John Lewis: https://www.johnlewis.com/content/your-partners-through-it-all/feel-good-friday Scroll down the page to find the information about designing the Super Bear. You will need an adult to help you share your design if you would like to be part of the competition.
- We are having an academy TTRS battle against 4 other NPAT schools – the battle starts today and ends on Friday so get battling and earning us points! It is only children this time, so the teachers cannot help you!! You can earn points by playing in any game mode.
- Here are the answers to Friday’s brain teasers:
1. The car was parked in space number 87 – the numbers were upside down!
2. D = 1,345 and E = 2,440
3. Coconut + Apple + Bananas = 14 (Check the amount of each fruit)
4. The happy word was SMILE 🙂Let me know if you enjoyed them or if you have made or found any of your own.
As always, have a great day and email me if you need help with anything!
Miss Vokes