Happy Bank Holiday
Happy Bank Holiday and VE Day Celebrations!
I am looking forward to the sunny weather and just need some barbeque coals, barbeque food, trampoline and teddies set up in the garden – then my children and I shall have a lovely weekend.
I hope you enjoy the weather and time with your families as well.
Jack’s mum has sent me through some fabulous information about Borrow Box – a great resource set up by the library. You can log on either through the app or the website and, using your library card, borrow e-books online for free. How amazing – I’ve certainly added that to my to-do list!
Thank you for your continued commitment to your online learning. It is a privilege to mark your hard work and see the effort you are putting in. Please continue to email me when you need any help or support – or just to say hello!
Have a great weekend – and don’t forget to check out our new video!
Ms James