Building Dens

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re having a great day. It has been another lovely day at school as we welcome more children back. It has also been wonderful to read your OneNotes and all of your online learning- well done!!!

At the weekend, my family and I visited Sywell Country Park. It was lovely to walk through the forest and we were amazed at how many dens had been built by children and families. It reminded me of when my children were younger and the fun we had building dens. We built dens when we went out for walks but also in the garden and even under the kitchen table!! Dens are so much fun to play in and they are especially lovely for some quiet reading!

Why don’t you have a go at making a den in your bedroom, kitchen or garden?

If you are able to venture to a country park, you could follow the instructions below to make a den from branches.

Have fun and we’ll chat agin tomorrow.

Mrs Fennelly

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