Year 6 : The Magic Box

This week, in our online home learning, Year 6 are studying a poem called The Magic Box by Kit Wright.  You can listen to it here if you would like to:

Kit writes with amazing description about all the things he would put into a magical box.  Donella- from Churchill class- has had a go at writing in the style of Kit for her poem about what is the other side of a magical door.  Here is an extract from her writing… wonderful imagery!


I opened the magical door and saw a fantasy world full of life. 

I opened the magical door and saw violence going on; it was full of danger. 

I opened the magical door and saw majestic creatures crawling around up and down. 

I opened the magical door and saw a strange world that no one has ever heard of. 

I opened the magical door and saw no sign of technology. 

I opened the magical door and saw a time traveller. 

I opened the magical door and saw Victorian people. 

I opened the magical door and realised it was a teleportation door. 

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