Fabulous Learning

Hello Wiggins and Robinson Class.

Today I have been hearing about some amazing work that you have been completing at home. I have seen photographs of some beautiful handwriting, marvellous maths, incredible sentences, ways of building exercise into your days and lots lots more. Every single day you make me so proud. When you are at home, there is always lots of learning you can do. Why not try to sort different coins, just like Sofia has done?

The weather has been a bit different to what we are used to. Yesterday, at school, we did some work in the school garden and found that the pond still has plenty of tadpoles in. I did think they would have hopped off as frogs by now but no, there are still plenty in there! We trimmed down lots of the reeds, pulled out the dead plants from the pots and picked up lots of rubbish that had blown into our pond and garden. There is always so much to do! I hope that in the next few days we will have a chance to continue our effort to improve the school grounds so will keep my fingers crossed for dry afternoons.

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