Sports Day Fun

Good morning! I hope you all had a wonderful, windy weekend. I spent most of Saturday demolishing my old garden shed as we had a new one arrive. As most of you know, I am not great when it comes to spiders and I have to say they were in abundance! I think my husband was getting annoyed with me by the end of it – I spent a lot of time screaming and running away! We haven’t built the new one yet, I am secretly hoping it will be done whilst I am at school! Fingers crossed!

This week, we are going to be taking part in Sports Day. There are lots of activities to enjoy and we are all going to be working hard to earn house points. I need to check with Miss Bland as to whether I can earn points as a Blue Knight!

At school, we will be choosing from some of the events below –

  1. Egg and Spoon
  2. Speed Bounce in 1 minute
  3. Standing Long Jump
  4. Bat and Ball Bounce
  5. Star Jumps in 1 minute
  6. Bucket Ball
  7. Sprint Shuttle Run
  8. Keepie- Uppies with a Football
  9. Seated Ball Throw
  10. Obstacle Course

Why not do some at home too? There are two house points on offer for every activity you complete so come on Wiggins and Robinson, let’s get active! Send me your photographs to share on the blog and see how many points you can add to your house total.

Good luck and enjoy!
Mrs Haigh

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