Hello year 4!

Good afternoon year 4,


I hope you’ve had a lovely week! Have you managed to avoid the rain? We got a little bit wet this weekend and then on Monday it was so windy! We’ve been taking lots of walks around East Hunsbury and looking for some of the East Hunsbury Rocks but we’ve only found one. We left it there so that other children could enjoy it. Elliot did a little digging and found a beautiful crystal. Today we are having our Sports Day! Emily and Elliot are very excited as we all love sports day- please make sure you send in your photos so that we can blog about them! I’m a Yellow Wizard the same as Emily and Elliot- but which house will win this year? Have you got a favourite sport? I like running but I’m not very good at it- although Miss Gedney doesn’t like to race against me! Can you remember the teachers race when you were in year 1 and I beat her? I had to run really fast! Have a lovely week- I hope to see you at the Year 4 picnic! Take care, from Mrs Buckley.

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