Year 4 – First Week Back and TTR Battle Results
What a fantastic first week back Year 4 have had! We have been busy with lots of learning, continuing our English unit on report writing. Miss Vokes and myself are really proud of the hard work you have put into writing your hot writes and the progress you have all made throughout the unit. In our Reading lessons this week, we have read a non-fiction text all about Victorian Britain. We discussed how different life was back then compared to life today. This was helpful when we came to reading an extract from Oliver Twist which was set in Victorian London as it helped us to better understand the situation Oliver Twist was in.
In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of a range of mental arithmetic strategies. We have been developing our skills on selecting the best method to use by looking carefully at the numbers within a calculation. Well done to all of those who joined in with the battle throughout half term. We can reveal that the winning class was Mozart! An extra well done to those children who reached first, second and third on the class leader board for Mozart and Lennon McCartney class!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Miss Harris and Miss Vokes