Year 3 Rowling
Good afternoon Rowling Class! Day 2 of Home Learning seems to be going well and your work is coming in thick and fast! I’m so proud of how hard you’re working and I hope you’re enjoying the lessons. I enjoyed making our reading lesson video and hope you enjoyed joining in the lesson with me. There will be more videos from myself and Mr Howley throughout the week so look out for them 🙂
It seems like the Romans have been a hit today and you’ve enjoyed the first lesson, already learning some interesting facts. Don’t forget to use the Knowledge Organiser sent home before Christmas as this will come in handy throughout the unit.
I’m so proud of the hard work you’ve already done today. Keep it up because you are home learning superstars! Make sure you check your OneNote pages and look out for any secret stickers I’ve put on there to say well done!
My first class reader video has been uploaded to the General channel of your team and you can find the PDF of the text there too. Let me know if you’ve been reading along with me!
Enjoy the rest of the afternoon, I hope you can get outside for a walk, cycle, run or scoot!
Miss Gedney