Year 3 Feedback Challenge!
Wow Year 3! What a fantastic start you have all made this week. We are only on Wednesday, but Miss Gedney and I are already so extremely proud and impressed by the work you have produced so far this week.
I have been particularly impressed with how confidently children have been engaging with the Live Meets. Every single lesson which we have discussed, I have had floods of hands going up to answer a question or provide an example which is fantastic to see! In addition, I have also been so impressed with how many of you are now responding to feedback and making your work even better!
I am going to set the whole year group a feedback challenge for the end of this week! Your challenge is to respond to at least 3 pieces of feedback between now and Friday. If you manage to do this, you will be given an extra dojo! Do you think you can do it? I am sure every single child can. Keep up the fantastic work Year 3!
Mr Howley