Reception – Following Instructions

This week in Reception we have ben very busy learning all about instructions. Our T4W focus is now learning about ‘How to make porridge’ and the children have done an excellent job learning the new words and actions, also learning new vocabulary such as ‘title’, ‘subheading’, ‘bullet points’ and ‘imperative verbs’. We have been following instructions as well to help us do other things such as ‘How to build a snowman’ or ‘How to make a jam sandwich’, and it has been great to see all of the yummy jam sandwiches made at home by the children. Then for our Forest School learning this week, as we all enjoyed joining in with the big garden bird watch last week, we decided to follow some instructions to make our own bird feeders for our homes and gardens. Some children have already spotted birds visiting their new feeders enjoying the bird seed! We have also put some in the trees outside Reception at school so we can watch the birds too from the classroom window. Well done Reception, a brilliant week learning all about instructions. 🙂


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