Year 3 Rowling – Science
This term, Year 3 have been learning about parts of a plant. We have really enjoyed this unit of work and are now experts in understanding each part of a plant, what their function is and how we can grow plants that will thrive.
Throughout the unit of work, we completed a number of investigations including growing plants, where some of the plants had parts of the plant removed to see what happened, we placed white flowers and celery in a cup of coloured water and we completed leaf rubbing pictures to see the intricate details of the leaf and why the lead if the most important part of a plant.
Over the last 2 days, we have completed a double page spread with information about plants, including some findings from our main investigation, a diagram of a plant with labels and some top tips for looking after plants.
Rowling class have worked so hard on these and really enjoyed sharing their knowledge. Well done!
Miss Gedney