Year 4 Mozart – Happy Half Term!

We have had another fantastic week in Mozart class this week with lots of learning!

On Monday and Tuesday afternoon, we spent lots of time continuing to work on our final project inspired by the painting ‘The Finding of Moses’. Everyone worked brilliantly as a team and had lots of fun. The final piece is starting to take shape and looks fantastic! In Maths, we continued to learn about time, using our knowledge to convert between analogue and digital time. Finally, in English, everyone has worked really hard planning and writing their ‘defeat the monster’ tales which I am really excited to read! The hard work, focus and determination that everyone has showed this week has been great to see.

Over the half term, we have set up another Times Table Rockstars battle across the year group. This is linked to your Key Skills so please remember to log on and join in.

Have a lovely half term everyone and enjoy a well-earned rest! Well done for all of your hard work!

Miss Harris

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