Year 5 – Dyson Bakery Visit

What a fabulous week it has been. As part of our Design Technology learning, Dyson class have been fortunate enough to visit the Bakery at our local Tesco store. This provided a great opportunity to learn more about bread production which the children can draw upon when designing their own flavoured breads later in the term.

As part of the visit, they were able to see behind the scenes of a large commercial business and learn more about the processes involved in making bread. They learned how the four main ingredients are mixed together, the importance of allowing the dough to prove and looked at the different types of ovens needed to cook different types of bread. From a commercial prospective, they learned how to slice and package the bread so that it can be placed on the shelves ready for the general public to purchase.

The Tesco staff involved did a tremendous job explaining how the Bakery works and all the different products they produce for sale. The children were also given the opportunity to taste some freshly baked Tiger Bread (Tesco’s best seller) and were given some doughnuts to take back to school. Delicious!

A huge thank you to everyone at Tesco’s for all their time, effort and support, they have really boosted the children’s learning.


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