The Tempest – Newspaper Reports

Over the past three weeks, Mandela have been learning the plot of the Tempest, exploring characters and important events with a focus on the shipwreck and the storm created by Prospero. This week, we have been drafting and finalising our presentation pieces- newspaper reports reporting on the storm. We have written our reports applying a range of writerly tools included to ensure they are formal, balanced and written in a journalistic style. In addition, we have been practising and improving artwork to support our report and add an image to compliment the writing. We have applied shading, sketching and pencil dictionary skills to create drawings of anchors, waves and ships. Next week we will be showcasing our work and we cannot wait for it to be shared.

Mandela, you have all worked extremely hard over the past three weeks to produce phenomenal pieces of writing and artwork. I am incredibly proud of each of you – well done!


Mr Howley

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