A great first week back in Mozart!

We have had a great first week back after the Easter holidays! It was lovely to hear all of the adventures the children had over the break, and I have been really pleased to see them all settle back into their routines so quickly.

We have started some fabulous new topics in our lessons this week! Our English lessons have been based around our invention unit, where we have taken a closer look at a book called ‘The Arrival’. This book is made entirely of pictures, without words, so the children have really enjoyed being creative and using their imagination to write letters, reports and stories based on the book’s content.

In Maths, we have started looking at measuring lengths and how to convert between mm, cm, m and km. In RE, we began looking at Pentecost, and the children were very intrigued to start learning about the changing power of the monarch in history!

I am really looking forward to seeing how the children progress in their final term of Year 4. Meanwhile, they should keep up everything they are already doing now – reading three times a week, taking part in the NPAT Reading Challenge and practising TTRS regularly!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Robson

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