Last week in Mozart class!
Happy summer everybody!
The children had such a lovely end to Year 4 last week, from coping extremely well in the heat on the Monday and Tuesday, to cheering each other on in the obstacle course on Wednesday, and finally celebrating each other’s talents in SDS Has Talent on Friday! It was a fun-filled week, and the children thoroughly enjoyed reflecting on the year (and all the progress they have made!) and looking forward to Year 5.
It has been a pleasure to teach every single one of the children in Mozart class – they should be so proud of themselves for all of their achievements this year. When asked about their highlights, many of the children mentioned the fact that they held a tarantula on Rainforest day or had a go at abseiling on the residential. Some children were also proud that they had learnt how to swim for the first time! The children have definitely grown in confidence and many of them have been brave enough to face their fears. What a year!
I hope you all have an amazing, relaxing summer, and I look forward to seeing the children around school next year.
Miss Robson