Welcome to Year 1
We are really excited to welcome the children in Year 1 on Monday. We are looking forward to hearing about your memories from the holidays and getting to know you all more.
Our PE days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please come to school in PE kit on these days. If you do not have the new school PE top yet, a white t shirt should be worn until you can get it. Black shorts and a black or dark blue tracksuit should be worn depending on the weather. Please remember to name all items of clothing.
Forest School will be on Friday afternoons, children will need wellies and waterproofs if wet and a sun hat if it is warm. Paddington Class will start Forest School on Friday 9th and Matilda Class on Friday 16th and continue every other week.
Reading books will be issued on Mondays and Library books changed every other Friday (when not at Forest School).
We look forward to seeing you on Monday 5th September.
The Year 1 Team