Robinson class
What a busy week we have had in Robinson class.
In English, we have been using all of the learning we have done this term to write our own cumulative tales. The stories are looking fantastic and I am so proud of all of the children. We have used the story Duck in the truck to write tales of sharks with fins stuck, pirates and their ships, astronauts and rockets and many more. We cannot wait to share them with you at parents evening.
In Science, we completed an experiment. We wanted to know how we can keep our bodies healthy and hygienic. We discussed lots of ways we can show good hygiene. We were posed with a question. Would just water, just a paper towel or water and soap wash the pretend germs off. We covered our hands in glitter to act as germs and tried the different strategies. We discovered only soap and water took away all of the germs.
We have had the most wonderful Art lessons this term. The children have been learning to use their pencils in different ways to create different effects. Last week, we looked at different lines, circles and swirls. This week, we went outside to find large autumn leaves. We then studied the leaves carefully and drew them in our books. The children filled the inside of their drawings with their pencil skills.
In PE, we have been playing a version of air hockey. The children had to protect their goal and try and score by pushing the cone into their opponent’s goal. We had so much fun that we lost track of time and didn’t realise Wiggins were waiting to come into the hall. At the end of the games the children had to shake hands of high five to congratulate each other on a good game.