A brilliant end to the first term in Paddington Class

Wow these 7 weeks have flown by! We have made such a great start to the year.

This week we looked at historical toys that Queen Elizabeth might have played with and discussed how they are different from those we play with today.

In English we finished our recipes for making different soups.  The children have worked hard to remember verbs and adverbs in their writing, I am really proud of the work they have produced, they have remembered the key things to include and have presented their writing clearly and neatly too.  Well done Paddington Class!

In Art lessons we have been working on our sketching and pencil skills, creating patterns and stippling (using dots and circles to create tone).  This week the children put these skills together to sketch a pencil – have a look at some of the artwork in the pictures below.  Paddington Class is full of brilliant artists!

We got VERY wet in the down pour of rain at Forest School today! Before the rain started, we practice the art skills we have developed of making patterns on conkers using acrylic paint pens, I think they look really effective.

Have a great half term break, I look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday 1st November.

Mrs Egan


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