Year 3 Dahl and Rowling – A Fantastic Week!

We have had a very exciting week in Year 3 this week as it was time for us to perform our Harvest Festival assembly. On Wednesday, we were very lucky to be able to perform to the whole school before performing to parents and grown-ups on Thursday afternoon. All of the Year 3 team were so proud of how well everyone performed, singing beautifully and re-telling their lines so clearly and confidently!

Today, we had a visit from the Hope Centre who collected the fantastic Harvest collection that was put together through all of the generous donations from everyone across the school. Some of us were able to help package these food items up for the Hope Centre to take away! The volunteers who came to collect the food said a huge thank you to everyone and told us about the difference our donations would make to lots of people!

Alongside all of this, we had our pumpkin competition at the start of the week. There were so many great, creative entries that it was so difficult to choose a winner! A huge well done to everyone who entered.

It has been a great first half term in Year 3 this year and it has been lovely to see the fantastic work produced by everyone. I hope you all have a great half term and enjoy a rest. All of the Year 3 team look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 1st November when we return to school!

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