Robinson Class

Good morning,


Robinson class have had a very busy this week.

In English, we have been developing our skills to write instructions. We have used a toolkit to help us understand what a good set of instructions looks like and have used the tools to refine our skills ready for our hot write next week.

In Maths, we have been learning about subtraction and difference. We have used pictograms to notice the difference between children’s favourite pets, fruit and colours. Additionally, we made giant clocks to help us tell the time. We had to think about where the numbers go and how to make o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times.

In Science, we have been learning about how electricity works. We know how to set up a basic circuit with a bulb and have been experimenting to see which materials electricity passes through. Can you tell an adult what we found out?

In PHSE we have been learning how we are unique and there is no one like us. We have looked at how differences should be celebrated and it is wonderful that every person is different.

In DT we have been learning to sew!!! This has been great fun, we have looked at different ways for materials to be attached to one another such as glue, sewing, tape, staplers etc.

As always, we had great fun in forest school yesterday. It was great to be outside and working as a team to make natural art and play imaginary games.

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