Wiggins Class
What a great week we have had again!
In maths we have focused lots on weighing, comparing the weight of two items, pretending to be human weighing scales to predict which of the items are heaviest and even using cubes to weigh things. The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring with the scales and are developing a great understanding of mathematical vocabulary around this. We have also been comparing sets of things to find out which have the greatest number in. We built towers, threaded beads and placed pegs in boards to compare amounts.
In English, we have been finding out more about the story of Romeo and Juliet, with a focus on the ball. We learnt about the music they may have danced to, the food they ate and what they would have worn. This lent itself nicely to tasting lots of different types of bread, practising our spreading skills too.
The children have also worked hard in PE, developing their skill of linking movements together, safely exploring the apparatus and building balances into their sequence of movements.
We have also had a focus on the weather this week, and what a chilly week it has been. We had a race to see who could get their hats, scarf and gloves on the quickest. Some of the children were very competitive! They matched different clothes to different weathers- and we all pined for sunnier days!
I hope to see lots of our children’s families next Friday in the morning where we will be showcasing the children’s fabulous work. It will be displayed in Robinson Class.
Happy weekend !