Hit the Button Champions!
Paddington Class have been having a great time using the online game Hit the Button to challenge our mathematic skills. We have been recalling the double of numbers to 10. I have kept a record of everyone’s top score and have challenged the class to try to beat their records by the end of next week. Here are our three top champions looking very proud and quite rightly too! I am so proud of all of Paddington Class, everyone cheered each other on and congratulated the successes. We also talked about how important it is to not compare your own score to others but to just improve on your previous score if you can. I will see if I can beat my current score by next week too, wish me luck!
If you want to practise at home here is the link to the game, just click play and select doubles, then up to 10:
Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
A quick reminder that it is our Forest School session tomorrow. It is VERY muddy in Forest School so please do remember your wellies. We are also excited about sharing our Shakespeare presentation work with families in the morning.
Another great week, thank you Paddington Class!
Mrs Egan