Year 1: Paddington- Jack and the Beanstalk

In English, the children have been learning the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children began by learning a series of actions for each part of the story. I was amazed at how quickly the children remembered the story with the actions and the vocabulary they were using when retelling the story to their peers. Once the children became confident in their story telling, they mapped the story out in pairs. Everyone worked really hard to make sure they had remembered each part and could retell the story from their drawings. Once the story maps were complete the children became puppet masters and retold the story through stick puppets.

Can you retell the story to a family member?


Tomorrow the children will be writing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and I am very excited to see their final pieces!


Well done Paddington Class!

Miss Leatherland

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