A Hero’s Journey- talking transition
As part of our preparation to move on to secondary school, year 6 are considering their strengths, what challenges they may face and how they can overcome these. Today we considered all the ‘things’ we need to learn and remember for secondary school: new teachers names, new sites, new timetables, new lesson codes (DT, En, Fr etc), lunch money, remembering when to hand homework in and remembering different resources we need for different lessons.
We considered ways in which we can learn and remember all these different ‘things’. We began by thinking of skills we have acquired over our childhood and how we learned these. Then we practised learning a school timetable. Some people annotated the timetable with a short key, others colour coded their timetable, some made a rhyme to help remember the timetable.
We discovered that we all learn and remember information in a variety of ways.
As part of our learning, why not take the time to discuss these questions at home:
Have you ever wanted to give up on something but didn’t?
What do you do when you find something challenging?
What learning strategies do you use?