Good morning and welcome back Year 4!
Good morning Lennon-McCartney and Mozart classes – it’s Miss Vokes here! I hope you have all had a wonderful half term and managed to do lots of lovely activities and enjoy the sunshine! I went on some long walks this week and one day, I found a peaceful canal which was very picturesque. I also did lots of cooking, cleaning and enjoyed reading a good book. If you would like to send us an email today to tell us about your half term, then we would love to hear what you have been doing!
Your home learning is all set up and ready to go for this week, we hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget there may be some pieces of work that are easier to complete in your home learning book, so make sure you send us a picture of this or just send a message to let us know that you have completed it.
Even though you aren’t back at school just yet, there are some year groups returning to school in small groups so things will be slightly different for the next few weeks. There will be some days when I will be in school so Miss Harris will be responding to your emails and work even if you are in Lennon-McCartney class, but please remember your work will always be checked and you will keep receiving dojos! From today, please could you make sure that you email both Miss Harris and Miss Vokes – your parents should have been sent this information but let us know if you need help with this. We will also be taking it in turns to write these blogs and there will be some extra people writing your blogs on other days too – look out for this!
We hope you have a great day today and enjoy the start of your home learning for this week!
Miss Vokes