Y3 Rowling – a great week!

We’ve had another great week in Rowling class this week. We’ve been getting stuck into our topics and are having great fun learning new things.

On Monday, Miss Bland enjoyed taking PE outside in the sunshine.

On Tuesday, Mrs Egan enjoyed teaching colours in French. Can you remember your colours?

On Wednesday, we enjoyed our science topic of Light and Shadows, where we went outside to explore the shadows that we could make. We had great fun making different shapes. We also learnt the definitions for transparent, opaque and translucent. Can you remember what they mean?

Yesterday, we enjoyed another PE lesson focussing on shapes and balance, travelling in different ways.

Finally today, we enjoyed our star of the week assembly and spent the afternoon learning about the Stone Age. We’re really enjoying finding out about the hunter-gatherers and today we learnt the term nomad. We created a timeline of events from the early Stone Age, middle Stone Age and to the New Stone Age. We know what happened at different points in the period. Can you remember any facts to tell your family?

Next week, we are going to be having our first Music lesson with our strings teachers. They will be teaching us every Thursday afternoon for the next 10 weeks. This means that we will only be doing PE on a Monday so please remember to wear school uniform on a Thursday.

We’re really enjoying our class reader ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and are already on chapter 7! We can’t wait to read on.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Gedney

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