Year 2 Ennis

Good morning Ennis Class. We have had a very busy week of learning and as always I have been very impressed with your concentration and determination towards your learning.


This week we have began our new talk for writing unit. We are learning to write a defeat the monster story with a focus on setting description. We have learnt the story of Billy the Brave Knight to help up with this unit. On Monday, a mysterious box appeared in the classroom filled with objects. We predicted where the objects might be from and used commas in a list to describe them.


In Maths, we have been learning to partition numbers systematically. The children have used dienes to support their understanding and have solved missing number calculations such as ___+45=55.


We have been thoroughly enjoying our art unit and have been learning to create different effects with our pencil. I think for many children in Ennis Class it is there favourite part of the week.


































Miss Leatherland 🙂

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