Oh my goodness! Reception had such an exciting start to our afternoon!
This morning we had some gingerbread men for our snack and a few were left over. After lunch we came back into class to find such a mess of crumbs. The crumbs were all over the Gruffalo classroom mats! We all explored to see how the mess had happened, but couldn’t see so we all went into Simba room whilst the mess was cleared up.
When we got into Simba classroom, we were surprised to see a video on the interactive whiteboard. We pressed play and were very excited to see a video of some gingerbread men running across the mats in Gruffalo room. Now we know how the crumbs got there.
We all then sat down in our own classrooms to listen to the story book of The Gingerbread Man. What an exciting start to our story section of our Talk for Writing unit.
Sorry parents! Judging by the ongoing excitement and how the children were searching Reception for clues this afternoon, I’m sure that you had some VERY bouncy and excitable children at hometime! I hope they have all calmed down ready for bedtime.