Thank you Wiggins and Robinson!

Today has been simply wonderful and jam packed!

This morning, I set the children the task of being detectives. Armed with special pens and a clipboard each, they had to examine the clues around the classroom to try and solve the mystery of what our new Talk for Writing is going to be. After investigating the clues, I asked them to watch three short video clips to give them further clues as to the type of character they are likely to meet in our next story. They had some fabulous ideas and worked with determination and great concentration to come up with lots of ideas and suggestions.

In maths, some of us were working on making two-digit numbers from a set of three numbers. How many numbers could we make? How would we know if we had thought of all the possibilities? We then explored partitioning using bead strings. This was a new challenge and they really enjoyed using the strings to represent different numbers within 100.

This afternoon, I had a rotation of groups in the playground where we played games, cooperating and sharing with each other. The challenge was to always use positive language and to encourage, support and congratulate each other. It was a fabulous afternoon and I think I enjoyed playing the games as much as the children!

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