Year 4 – TTR Heatmaps

Hello everyone,

You have all been sent home with a copy of your TTR heatmap. This shows you the times tables that you are able to answer in the quickest time. The lighter the box, the faster your speed at answering that calculation. The aim is to get as many light green boxes as possible. Any boxes are grey will be because you have not yet answered these calculations on TTR. We have sent these heatmaps home to help you identify which times table facts you know really well, as well as the times tables that can you practise more to improve your speed and knowledge with.

We will be sending out your TTR heatmaps again later on in Year 4 so that you can see your progress! If all of the times table facts on your heatmap are light green, your challenge is to improve your rockstar status speed. This might take some time and lots of practise but remember, practise makes perfect!

Many thanks,

Miss Harris and Miss Vokes

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