Year 3 Rowling – Welcome Back!
Good morning Rowling Class!
Well here we are, back to school in a different way. I hope you all had a lovely break, despite the restrictions and were able to spend some quality time with your family and enjoying the outdoors. I know I enjoyed the rest, I spent time with my mum and the rest of my family ‘virtually’ and tried to get outside every day to enjoy some fresh air. I’ve really enjoyed exploring Salcey Forest and not forgetting a hot chocolate at the end of a cold walk or a muddy run!
I’m so sad that we can’t be together and I know you may be feeling sad too but there are going to be lots of things to keep you busy over the next half term. Today, you will find you home learning assignment in a new channel called ‘First day home learning’ as shown in the image below. Please click this to find your tasks today. Just like Key Skills, you can type into your OneNote page and press ‘hand in’ when you are finished. I will be checking your work regularly to see what you are doing. If you need to tell me something, you can make a note at the top of your page and I will send you a message back.
From tomorrow, there will be videos and PowerPoints posted for English. Reading, Maths and Spelling every day. There will also be some daily class reader where I will read a section of the book ‘The Queen’s Nose’ to you. This is a new book and I’m so excited to get started! There will be a topic lesson also posted so you can enjoy our new topics ‘Rocks, soils and fossils’ in Science, and ‘The Romans’ in History! You will find these again, just like Key Skills but they will be in separate ‘channels’ to make it easier for you to see. I hope this is helpful for you.
Don’t forget to keep moving, keep active and try your best at home!
Miss Gedney