Welcome to week 4!

Good morning Matilda class.

I hope you are all ready for a busy week ahead! This week we will be beginning a new Talk for writing unit of work. We will be learning the text type, Lost and found story.  I know this is going to be one you enjoy especially as we edit to the story to make it our own!


In Maths, we are learning how to subtract.

Subtract: To take away a number or an amount from another to calculate the difference. 

What does this picture example mean to you? What does it show you?   5 – 2 = 3 There are many ways to verbalise and record this number sentence.

With lots of daily home learning tasks to complete, can I remind you that there are ‘must do’ and ‘can do’ tasks to complete. If you are wanting to challenge your learning further then you can opt to do the additional ‘can do’ task.  For some afternoons, there may be 2 subjects, again one of these will be optional for you to complete. I look forward to seeing your learning this week. I wonder how many dojo’s you will receive this week?

As it is Monday, I would love to hear your weekend news. I hope you have all had a great weekend and enjoyed safely playing in the snow.

Miss Twigg


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