Year 5 – Class Reader

I am really enjoying reading Pheonix by SF Said as your class reader at the moment and it appears that lot’s of you are too, that you for your comments on the videos I have assigned to your Teams page.  Today is Chapter 16 which can be found in the ‘Class Reader’ channel.  Now that we have got to know some of the characters I though it would be good to sketch what we imagine Frolix and Bixa to look like.  Below are extracts from the text that describe their appearances.

Please have a go at sketching Bixa with her suit of body armor ‘sprinkled with glitter and fur’ under her coat that billows behind her like it is made of ‘liquid metal’.  Beneath her long coat are ‘huge black cloven hooves’ and she has ‘long, slim fingers’, her hair ‘tied up in a nest’ with ‘several sharp pointy things’ like ‘needles’ ‘flashing every colour’ moving within her hair.  Then you could sketch Frolix with his ‘muscular’ body and a ‘strange coat made of liquid metal’ looking at you with ‘flaming eyes’ behind ‘mirror shades’.  Frolix also has ‘cloven hooves’ and remember his horns made of hair on his head too.

I would love to see what you think the characters look like, please email photos of your drawings or paintings of the characters to me or your year 5 teachers.

I hope you enjoy listening to what the characters in Chapter 16 get up to today,

Mrs Egan

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