A Surprise Picnic!

It was so lovely to start back at school yesterday and catch up with all the children’s news from a sunny half term holiday.

We started our new unit of work for English too. During our dance lesson, a visitor had crept into Wiggins room and laid out a picnic. We had to use our detective skills to work out what it was all about. Who could have been there? Why were there certain foods? Who would be brave enough to try some of them?!

The children sat around the picnic blankets and talked about what they could see, smell and feel. Then came the tasting! I was very surprised to see that some of the children, well two of them, were keen to try a gherkin! Part of the children’s home learning over the half term was to try some new foods, so a big well done to those who managed that.

Take a look at the pictures and see if you can solve the puzzle as to what our new unit of work is.

Have you guessed it?

It is The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

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